LILLY JENSONTHURSDAY, 2ND OCTOBER 200815:08"LJ ON... BEING SMITTEN"I'm really looking forward to my little date with Josh later. I really want to go; I never thought I would! He's such a great guy. Argh, what do I wear? I went shopping today in my lunch hour with Camps and bought loads of clothes but I don't know what to wear, I mean we're only going cinema but... argh why do I feel as though I want to impress him!? I really like him, don't I?!
This is too soon though. I'm not prepared to jump straight into a relationship again. I can't do the whole lets-see-each-other-every-day thing, and seems as me and Josh only live a couple of streets away I guess that can easily happen. Can't slip into that. But if Josh wanted to ask me out again after this week, then I think I'd be more than happy. I'm sure Summer can be easily dealt with.
Argh okay so I have four hours until he comes around to collect me. Yep, he's coming around to my flat to collect me... no more meeting outside of places. I'm excited... I was too young when I got with Jamie, there was no excitement/dates/Josh.
Here goes!