LILLY JENSONWEDNESDAY, 15TH OCTOBER 200822:28LJ ON ... REFUSING TO JOIN IN THE FUNThere is no possible, possible, possible way on this whole entire earth that I am going to Vicar Road's party on Saturday.
Not happening.
I can't go! It'll upset Josh if I go. He obviously had nothing to do with inviting me, because I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted me to come.
Oh and there's also no way I'm being put into a Powerpuff Girls' costume. The guys at 110 would really love that!! Heartbroken Lilly turns up in a bright pink costume with ginger hair. Put the soundtune on as we walk in...
It sounds like a great party, but I'm just not going, however much Lauren begs me.
Okay so she's just ran into my room, stole my sewing machine and then rang back out. I swear she's got the mental age of a 5 year old! She gets so excited. If she's planning on making me feel guilty by making me a PP girls costume then she's got another thing coming, because I'm stamping my feet on the ground... and not going!