"UNDER THE THUMB, MUCH?"My brother's going on another one of his 'hot dates' tonight. I swear, he's 24 but he acts 14. He's going out with this loopy girl who's best friends with a girl I like at uni. I mean, not a girl I like like, but... argh.
OK. There's this girl. I think her name's Lilly. Well, I've never heard anyone say her name but this loopy lass is always on about this girl called Lil, and I'm pretty sure they're best mates so it must be her. Anyway, she was in my media law classes last year, she must be doing journalism cos she's not in any other of my media classes.
But honestly, I have the hottest girlfriend on the whole planet, every guy wants her, and I've got her, and I should be pleased to have her. The only thing is, I kind of can't stand the way she has to reapply her lipgloss in every single mirror she walks by, can't let her hair get wet, refuses to come to any game to watch me play, won't walk the dogs... won't even friggin touch the dogs... and to be fair, I'm pretty much on her every beck and call.
Which makes me a loser, right?