LILLY JENSONFRIDAY, 3RD OCTOBER 200801:58"LJ ON ... "I'm trying really hard not to say that the night's been ruined, but it looks as though that's the way it's gone. Argh it was such a wonderful night, I have truly utterly fallen for Josh.
Okay so, from the beginning. We went to see Tropical Thunder and it was really funny. Josh bought us popcorn and coke although he ate most of it! When we got out it was dark and really cold, and Josh held the door open for me before he took my hand. Took my hand. Yep, he held my little hand in his big hand, as if it was the most natural thing ever. The conversation didn't stop until we almost reached my flat and he turned me to him and said, I quote: "Lilly, I know this is probably not what you want to hear right now, but I really, really like you." And I was just about to reply, honestly I was, before the security guard interrupted us and asked us to move out of the way to let a car through. So that kind of put an end to that conversation...
Josh walked me back to my flat, he came into my room because there was a party brewing in the kitchen, and that's when everything went wrong. I found a letter pushed under my door. I can't remember what it said because Josh took it but it was something along the lines of me watching my back, because Summer is Summer and Summer has contacts and I'm not as popular as I think I am, yadda yadda, and that I can't have Josh because he's not all he's cracked up to be. yadda yadda. And there at the bottom was scrawled SFS's signature. It was really threatening and looking back on it now I'm angry, but at the time it really upset me, and Josh got really angry. He gave me a big hug and tried his hardest to cheer me up, and when I looked up at him he took my hand and kissed me, in the kind of duck-your-head-under-mine-and-place-a-soft-wonderful-most-perfect-kiss-on-my-lips. I was a little shocked at first, and Josh pulled away a little argh and he looked at me with his delicious eyes before putting his hand at the back of my head and kissing me again. oh my god how much of a perfect kisser is he? and he was wasting it all on Summer friggin Francis-Smith!
Ahh it was amazing. Just the way he put his hands up to my face and pulled me closer to him and ahhh it was perfect. But it had to end. I could tell that Josh was really angry, he was all tense and he took the letter off me and told me he had to go. And then he apologised and left, just like that.
I don't know who the hell Summer thinks she is. But I'm not about to give in anymore.
As said before, I really mean it this time. This is war.