LILLY JENSONSUNDAY, 26TH OCTOBER 200813:32LJ on ...I woke up this morning and Josh was still asleep... then I fell back sleep, woke up five minutes ago and he isn't here. I'm assuming he's at the hospital and didn't want to wake me, although my phone battery's dead so I can't find out. It's really cold and I've put on one of his jumpers to keep warm. I'm so tired, but contemplating going down to the hospital to keep him company.
I rang Ollie quickly this morning, it was really weird but I thought I needed to let him know what was happening, seems as he's one of Josh's oldest friends. He said he'd try and make it down, so we'll see later.
I tried to get in touch with Camps but she's working solidly all weekend, and she'll be back in Hallam tomorrow. I really want to stay here but I've got a meeting with my dissertation tutor tomorrow morning, so I'm going to maybe drive down tonight if I'm awake enough.
Argh I don't know what to do to try and make myself useful. I don't even really know if Josh wants me here; after all we did fall out. I just hope he's okay.